Title: Journal of Basic and Applied Research in Biomedicine (Formerly known as Journal of Basic and Applied Research).

Abbreviation: J. basic appl. Res. Biomed.

ISSN: 2710-1479

DOI: 10.51152

Country: Jordan

Scope: Broad scope in biomedical sciences

Open access policy: The journal will provide open access to its contents

Copyright notice: CC Attribution 4.0

Archival system: LOCKSS and CLOCKSS


The “Journal of Basic and Applied Research in Biomedicine” was first published in 2015 as “Journal of basic and applied research”. Since 2019, the title of the journal was changed to “Journal of basic and applied research in biomedicine”. It is an independent, international, double-blind peer-reviewed journal with a broad scope that covers all aspects related to biomedical sciences and human health. One volume (since 2023) is published every year and the manuscript is published in electronic format as soon as it is accepted. The journal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License and all published articles are freely available.


Scope of the Journal

Journal of Basic and Applied Research in Biomedicine covers all aspects related to human health and biomedical sciences. This includes all basic and applied aspects of biomedical sciences. The journal publishes original articles in medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, allied health sciences, and medicinal chemistry. Also, biological, and environmental research reporting a significant impact on human health are considered. The journal publishes articles in five major categories: Original Articles, Short Communication, Review Articles, Study cases, and Case series.